conceived by john kaufmann

chicago premiere co-directed by thomas murray,
keely leonard, and zack florent

Actors enter with cell phones, not knowing what the night will hold. Their job: to speak aloud whatever they hear through their earpieces. The phones start to ring and the real-time adventure begins. Spontaneous conversations, narrated journeys, and unique experiences overlap as each night’s theme emerges.

Chicago premiere by Waltzing Mechanics
November 14 - December 14, 2014

Featuring Ross Compton, Samantha Jai, Claire Reinhart, Maggie Scrantom, Warren Swartwout, Lew Wallace, Wyatt Weber, and Christine Worden

Co-directed by Zack Florent, Keely Leonard, and Thomas Murray
Scenic design by Tristan James
Costume design by Rachel S. Parent
Lighting design by Eric Van Tassell
Sound and projections by Thomas Murray
Production managed by Carinne Uslar
Technical direction by J.D. Ostergaard
Stage managed by Amy Hopkins
Photography by Bobby Richards